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Frequently Asked Questions for Medical Marijuana

Do I Qualify for Medical Marijuana in the State of Iowa?

Iowa's Department of Health has approved a number of qualifying conditions that will allow patients to access Medical Marijuana in Iowa. The qualifying conditions identified by the IDH include any chronic or debilitating condition that, in the professional judgment of a physician, might be helped by the use of medical cannabis.


Why do I need an Iowa Medical Marijuana Card?

An Iowa Medical Marijuana Card shows that your name has been added to the Iowa Medical Marijuana Registry by a Licensed Iowa Physician. With this card, you can:


1. Buy marijuana from dispensaries in the State of Iowa

2. Possess Marijuana and Marijuana Products in the State of Iowa

3. Consume Marijuana and Marijuana Products in the State of Iowa


An Iowa Medical Marijuana Card is a personal identification card that shows the patient is a legal Iowa registered Medical Marijuana Patient.

How do I get an Iowa Medical Marijuana Card?

To obtain your Iowa Medical Marijuana card, you need to have an Iowa Medical Marijuana doctor confirm that you suffer from one or more of the qualifying conditions and recommend Medical Marijuana to you. Our staff at Iowa Marijuana Card is here to simplify the process, connecting you with a certified doctor and filing all your necessary paperwork!


You must visit a state-licensed physician (not a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant) to obtain a physician certification. You will then apply for an identification card from the Iowa Department of Health.

Am I guaranteed to get approved for Medical Marijuana after visiting an Iowa Marijuana Doctor office?

We can’t guarantee approval for anyone, as the doctor is the only person that makes the determination whether or not a patient qualifies. To make it more likely that you receive approval from the doctor, we recommend that you bring as much information as possible to your appointment regarding your medical condition and past treatments. However, you do not have to worry as the entire cost of an appointment will be a nominal flat fee  if you, for whatever reason, are not approved by the doctor.


What conditions make a patient eligible for Medical Marijuana in the State of Iowa?

A “qualifying patient” must have a condition or symptom of, or side effect related to the treatment of:

• Cancer (with severe or chronic pain, nausea or severe vomiting, cachexia or severe wasting)

• Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with severe and persistent muscle spasms

• Seizures


• Crohn's Disease

• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

• Parkinson's Disease

• Untreatable Pain

• Any terminal illness, with a probable life expectancy of under one year (if the illness or its treatment products one or more of the following: severe or chronic pain; nausea or severe vomiting; cachexia or severe wasting)


How do I get an Iowa Marijuana Card?
Our team specializes in helping patients across the state of Iowa obtain their Medical Marijuana cards. With locations in all major Iowa cities, our doctors are here to help you through the process. Give us a call, or send us a message, if you’d like to find out more information about how you can get your Medical Marijuana card in Iowa.


When can I apply for my identification card?
Application forms and application instructions are currently available online. 

When will I receive my identification card?
Within 30 days of application, if your application is approved.

What is the cost for a Medical Marijuana card in Iowa?
Some doctors charge an exorbitant amount of money just for an initial examination. We feel strongly that if you qualify for Medical Marijuana, you shouldn't have trouble accessing it due to cost. As such, we offer a variety of payment methods, including monthly payment plan options and discounts for veterans, as well as referral discounts to those who spread the word about our services. After the first appointment, all required follow-ups are free for 12 months.


If my registry identification card is lost, stolen or damaged what do I do and is there a fee to replace the card?
If the application was submitted online, you may print a replacement card. Simply return to the Iowa Medical Marijuana system account and reprint your card. Please note that once a replacement card is issued the old card is no longer valid. In addition, there is a Registry Change form available here for requesting a change/replacement card. However, if you applied with a paper application, please complete the change form and mail to the office.

I received my registry identification card, but my name is misspelled (or has other incorrect information). What do I do?
If the application was completed online you may complete the change form and submit. If you completed a paper application, complete the change form and mail to the office. A corrected replacement card will be sent as soon as possible. Again, please be aware that once a replacement card is issued, the prior card is no longer valid.

If my registry identification card expired and I didn’t submit my renewal application before the deadline, am I still eligible to purchase Medical Marijuana?
No. When your card expires, the legal protection offered by the Iowa Medical Marijuana Act is expired. You may still submit your renewal application.


​Where can patients purchase Medical Marijuana?
Once you have obtained a recommendation from a certified doctor and received your Iowa Medical Marijuana card, you'll be able to purchase Medical Marijuana at any of the licensed dispensaries located throughout the state of Iowa.


Do I have to buy my marijuana from one of the dispensaries?

Yes. To be protected under the Iowa Medical Marijuana Act, your marijuana must be labeled from one of the Iowa dispensaries.


Where will the dispensaries be located in Iowa?
We do not know the exact number of approved dispensaries.   For a detailed look at where to find your nearest dispensary, visit our dispensary location master list.

How much Medical Marijuana can be purchased from the dispensary?
The Iowa Department of Health has set caps on the amount of marijuana that can be purchased by a patient.


Will my insurance or Medicaid pay for my marijuana?
We encourage you to contact your insurance provider or Medicaid official for an answer; however, we are not aware of any insurance providers that cover the costs of Medical Marijuana at present.

How much will Medical Marijuana cost?
The cost of Medical Marijuana will be set by each dispensary. At this point, it isn’t clear what those prices will be exactly. With dispensaries located throughout the state of Iowa, we hope that the competition will keep prices low and affordable.

Are patients allowed to grow their own Medical Marijuana?
No, patients in Iowa, as well as across the state of Iowa, are prohibited from growing Medical Marijuana at home under Iowa law. All Medical Marijuana is required to be purchased from one of the state-approved dispensary locations.


Does Iowa have reciprocity with other states?

The state of Iowa allows reciprocity, which means Medical Marijuana patients with valid recommendations from other states can access Medical Marijuana in Iowa provided they fill out a visiting patient form and can provide proof of out-of-state registration. A visiting qualifying patient may obtain marijuana from a dispensary  with completion of a visiting patient form and producing evidence of his or her registry identification card or its equivalent that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States.

​What is a Designated Caregiver, and how many can I have?
A designated caregiver is a person who is selected by a qualifying patient as the person authorized, on the qualifying patient’s behalf, to possess, obtain from a certified Medical Marijuana dispensary, dispense and assist in the administration of Medical Marijuana. Caregivers must apply for a registry card. It is not legal for caregivers to consume, by any means, Medical Marijuana that has been dispensed on behalf of a registered qualifying patient. Further, a designated caregiver is not prohibited from receiving compensation or reimbursement of expenses from a qualifying patient for assisting a qualifying patient with the medical use of marijuana.


How do I apply to be a designated caregiver?
Complete the designated caregiver application on the State's website.


Do I need a caregiver card to purchase MMJ for my child?
Yes. Qualified patients under 18 years of age cannot purchase Medical Marijuana from a dispensary. The legal guardian or parent is required to register as a caregiver to buy Medical Marijuana for a minor.

Can a caregiver have more than one patient?
Yes. A caregiver may serve more than one patient. A caregiver must apply for a registry card for each patient.

Can a caregiver also be a registered qualifying patient?
Yes. A caregiver may be a registered qualifying patient.


Can my employer still drug test me for marijuana if I am a registered patient?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes, they can. Iowa does not provide protection to Medical Marijuana patients from employee drug testing. It will be left to the discretion of each employer whether they wish to recognize an employee's Medical Marijuana approval as an exemption to company drug testing policies. However, employers are prohibited from discriminating against an individual in hiring, termination, or any term or condition of employment based on an individual’s past or present status as a caregiver or a qualifying patient.

How do I get a Marijuana Card in Iowa?
We specialize in helping patients obtain their Medical Marijuana card in Iowa, and our doctors will be happy to help you obtain your card. However, the state isn't yet issuing Medical Marijuana cards, but they should be doing so in a few months. Send us a message, give us a call, or sign up for our mailing list if you'd like to be notified when Medical Marijuana cards are available in Iowa.

Am I guaranteed to get approved by the Marijuana Doctor?
Unfortunately, we can't guarantee approval for anyone, as the doctor makes that determination after your in-person evaluation. However, we provide a money-back guarantee, so if you are not approved by the doctor, the appointment will be free of charge! It is always helpful for the doctor to have as much information available as possible during the evaluation, so be sure to bring all medical records relevant to your qualifying condition to your appointment.

What is the cost for a Medical Marijuana card in Iowa?
Once you've been approved by a certified doctor and received a Medical Marijuana recommendation, you will need to submit an application to the Department of Health and Senior Services in order to receive your marijuana card. This card will expire after 12 months, at which point another registration fee will be due.

Where are the dispensaries located in Iowa?
No dispensary licenses have been approved.


Are there limits on how much Medical Marijuana can be purchased from a dispensary?

Based on the laws in other states that have Medical Marijuana programs, there most likely will be specific limits as to how much marijuana can be purchased by a patient.

Are approved patients allowed to smoke Medical Marijuana?
Although dispensaries will likely be selling marijuana flowers and plant material, you are expected to only use these products for vaporizing. The Iowa Medical Marijuana Control Program has strictly banned the smoking of Medical Marijuana.

What will dispensaries charge patients for Medical Marijuana in Iowa?
The cost of Medical Marijuana will be set by each dispensary individually and the free market will ultimately determine what the final price will be to patients. At this point, it is unclear what that price will be, but since dispensaries set their own prices, it is worth looking around for the best deals.


Is my personal information kept confidential?
The privacy of our patients is a top priority of ours, so we go through great lengths to ensure all patient information is protected and kept confidential in our HIPAA compliant file storage system. We also promise to never share any of your contact information with any third parties.

Get An Iowa Marijuana Card

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